Social media continues to be a resourceful tool for speaking truth to power. Aside from being an avenue for communities to connect and create, new forms of media in the age of digital activism demonstrate the need for real conversations. The #BeWell Conversation Series was created to highlight the esteemed men and women using their digital platforms to combat social issues that impact our everyday lives. 

On August 24th, Dr. Jess held the first #BeWell activation with digital sensation and artist Neelam. Utilizing social media as a tool to showcase fashion, art and activism, Neelam has created a space dedicated to shifting the consciousness around Muslim women, showcasing a worldwide sisterhood and raising the bar with her rhymes. During her #BeWell conversation with Dr. Jess at Heal Haus in Brooklyn, NY, Neelam discussed the importance of being your authentic self, Black excellence, creating music, lyricism, and navigating religion. “I want my lyrics to reflect who I am, especially during a time where music is not saying much. Music is supposed to reflect the times + if you look back on what we’re seeing now, what are we talking about?”

Aiming to fulfill the purpose of serving others first, the night ended with attendees sharing positive affirmations --some selected and read by Neelam herself. Each author of the affirmation was gifted with a #BeWell gift bag and a word from Dr. Jess.

I want my lyrics to reflect who I am, especially during a time where music is not saying much. Music is supposed to reflect the times + if you look back on what we’re seeing now, what are we talking about?
— Neelam

Video by @dillzvp